Bruce Carroll
BIG WORLD Review -

Bruce Carroll Interview & Bio * Bruce's Lyrics * Bruce's Video * Carroll's Albums



The goal of this project is to encourage listeners to step out of the proverbial 'box" AND live for Christ, showing a big world the light of a truly big God.

Bruce Carroll explains, "There's a lot more God wants to do with us. This is a big world and we serve a Big God. God doesn't want us to be restrained. We all need to be out of the box. That's why I called my latest release BIG WORLD. 'It's a big world. Battles to be won, adventures yet to come. It's a big, big world, Beauty to defend, faithful to the end. This is what life is, I was meant for this big world.'"

Bruce feels that the Lord has great plans for him to continue sharing his music and to enable other artists like himself to do the same, through On the Grove Records, a label which Carroll started with Hope Presbyterian Church.

"I want artists to own their songs and projects."

His own personal goal: "I want to make as much noise, stir up as much trouble, change as much thinking, bust people's predispositions, turn stuff upside down."



"I am leaning towards writing heart songs about real life issues, songs that aren't able to be tied up in nice little neat bows, because life is not tied up in nice little neat bows. Sometimes we don't get the answers, so we operate in faith."

In his newest acoustic-based CD project, BIG WORLD, Bruce Carroll offers a delightful, inspiring collection of songs, which fully reflect his musical talents and a wealth of wisdom that he has learned during his long walk with the Lord, to inspire us all to step out of the proverbial 'box" and fully live for Christ, stretching our abilities in new ways, outside of our comfort zone.

The outstanding qualities of these songs can be found in the meaningful lyrical messages told in a story telling ballad form, the creative musical compositions composed for each song and the stellar tenor expressive vocals which are rich in tone, dynamic and well performed by Bruce Carroll.

Let's talk about the wonderful, lyrical messages that we can all relate to on some level.

Bruce Carroll shares his life perspectives and his faith and relationship with the Lord through his musical talents and gifts, and his story telling abilities all found in these 10 ballads. In this collection of songs, Bruce Carroll offers three ways for human beings to step out of the box, out of our comfort zones to fully become what the Lord had intended us to be; to take hold of what the Lord had taken hold of us for.

By depending on the Lord, stepping out in faith during all our bumps in the road and living for Christ, following where He leads us, are all ways to grow spiritually outside the box in thought, word and deed, during our faith walk with Him, becoming more like Christ as we serve Him more fully.

Lord is a dependable source of strength, compassion, love, healing and mercy, a loving Lord who we can turn to for all our needs.

SHELTER ME - Perfect for those with a tendency to worry or for those experiencing stress and disharmony. Turn to the Lord for relief of worries and anxiety which especially come alive in one's mind while trying to sleep.

Example: "When I cannot close my eyes / And the night goes on / Troubles taunt on every side / And my doubt is strong //Refrain: Shelter me / Shelter me / Let the thought of your compassion be my strength / Prince of Peace / Shelter me / From the tempest of my unbelief / Mighty God who calmed the sea / come and shelter me"

EVERYTHING I NEED - Reflects the truth that while we as human beings can't always wrap our heads around the way things are, we do have a Lord in control on whom can be relied on to be everything we need to carry on despite our circumstances.

Example: "I won't get it figured out / I will wrestle with my doubt / but I know that you are everything I need // You have led me to this ledge / You are with me on the edge / Of the way things are right now and what will be / Life is a mystery / but you're everything I need"

HALF-WAY HOUSE - About a special place of spiritual hope and God's Love for folks struggling with issues which were too hard to face which led to self-medication and trainwrecks in their lives. Col. 3:16-18

Example:"Down at the HALF-WAY house / somewhere between / total rehab and working things out / the half way house/ where I can come clean / renew my faith / deal with my doubt / Cause the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak / that's why most Sundays you'll find me / Laughin' and cryin' and hangin' my laundry out / down at the HALF-WAY house"

"Got to look beyond the altar and chairs // to really see what's really going on there / You'll find walkin' wounded refugees / Together in a room / hopin' there's a Love big enough to meet their needs"

JEALOUSY - Story about struggling with envy over a neighbor's new car. In this ballad's lyrical story, the person talks to God about his complaint, confesses his jealousy and asks for help in enduring / being delivered from the feelings which keep him from being thankful for all the generous gifts he has received.

Example: Bridge: "It takes a toll on my gratitude / moves me farther away from You / How many times do I have to learn / that I have more than I deserve?? / More than I deserve?"

Chorus: "I'm talk'in 'bout Jealousy / Is killin' me / It's living / made free in my soul / It's plain to see, that I won't be free / Until You deliver me / from jealousy / from jealousy"

Having faith in times of trial, struggle and adversity - Death and loss, fixing broken relationships, stepping out in faith, believing on God's promises.

SHIP OUT OF WATER - Death of a loved one is a painful human experience, which can derail one's best efforts in serving the Lord. Finds comfort in God's promises, that death isn't permanent and that all who belong to Jesus will meet again in heaven.

Example: "If you could be here now / I think I know what you would say, don't cry for me / I'm at home and I'm safe // That all the tears that fall hear, turn to diamonds in God's hands, bright offerings / from life's shadow lands"

LETTERS I LEFT BEHIND - Song is based on a true story. A father to be, dying of an illness, steps out in faith that the Lord will take care of this unborn child through His Word. Father writes letters sharing scripture and wisdom he learned from his own life experience for each special time in this child's life.

"He was a faithful man, who lived the words I read / His words of wisdom came from the Bible by my bed / And the legacy that he passed on to me / Has touch my life / And molded me into the man / He prayed for me to be"

"Chorus: He called me son / Said I hope you find / What I have learned about living / Written between the lines / of letters I've left behind"

WHEN WE FAIL LOVE - Struggling through and repairing damaged relationships, takes faith and courage to face what it is within us which is causing the problem.

Example: "I can't swim the ocean that's growing between us / The shores are too far apart / So sail to the spot where the water is deepest / where we have to face this storm with faith"

Living for Christ - Showing a big world the light of a truly big God.

BIG WORLD - An anthem of encouragement to take heart and step out in faith to look at our world as an adventure, to become what the Lord had in mind for us to be in serving Him.

"It's a big world / Battles to be one / Adventures yet to come / It's a big world / Beauty to defend / Faithful to the end / This is what life is / I was meant for this big world." "Give me strength to face the dragons / bigger dreams to imagine / Help me keep a heart of passion, God I pray"

THE STORY - Jesus sees us as we can be, despite our weaknesses and struggles, which aren't the end of our story of service to Him. We belong to Him because he died as our sin offering so we could have eternal life. If we continue to step out in faith and depend on Him, we can become more than we can imagine in ministry to Him.

Example: "Every story on every face He could so easily read / No one could hide from his warm loving gaze / What is He reading in me??/ He was a boy and much more than a Man / He died on a dangerous road / bleeding the hope of the world from his hands / So we could find our way home / So we could find our way home"

I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY SAY - The love of God overpowers all the annoyances, disappointments, stresses experienced in this world, making it all insignificant in comparison to Him. Focusing on serving Him through our gifts and talents and not being distracted by disagreeable distractions is possible through the love of God.

Example: "I've learned the secret handshake / performed the status quo / I've been patted on the back / While being ushered out the door / I've been told that I can't do it / and I've bought into the lie / but I've come out of my stupor / Your love has made me realize" Chorus: I don't care what they say / I don't care what they say / When it's all said and done / everything with you - fades away //

Fully depending on the Lord, having faith in his promises no matter the circumstances in our lives, helps us to step out in faith to live for Jesus and his ministry. Powerful themes which stick with the listener to give encouragement and inspiration in their own faith walk and struggles.

Let's Explore the Musical Compositions....

What more can an acoustic music lover ask for, than to be presented with such a interesting collection of not only songs which "deal with real issues through real insight, " but also songs with high quality blends of acoustic folk-based ballads, composed in a variety of musical styles which Bruce loves and excels in. Musical styles range from pop orchestral to acoustic rock to blue grass & pop to "earthy acoustic" (depending on what best suits each song), with of variety blended styles inbetween.

The musical compositions are solidly put together, no mater the style, with interesting instrumental voices, along with well-played acoustic, slide, base and electrical guitars and lovely piano work on some of the heart-felt ballads.

Acoustic - pop/rock examples:JEALOUSY * I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY SAY, which adds some hot violins to the sound.

The piano accompaniment really shines and provides a moving musical force in songs such as SHELTER ME * WHEN WE FAIL LOVE

No string synthesizer for this group of songs! Real string ensembles, oboe and violin additions, etc. contribute to the solid sound and musical style what Bruce calls pop orchestral, which blends in with the acoustic / piano ballads, all to great effect.

Great examples of this blend of styles are title song: BIG WORLD * SHIP OUT OF WATER

Great blend of of pop orchestral and earthy acoustic can be found in EVERYTHING I NEED * THE STORY * LETTERS I LEFT BEHIND (Just a touch of violins- mostly guitars.)

Bruce Carroll's ability to play the guitar is equally impressive. Not only can he breeze through difficult rhythms, fast-moving or flowing broken chords, and providing counter melody and melody support, but he does so musically with thought, mindful to always create just the right mood and style; a talent which he uses most effectively. The difficult guitar work which he makes sound so easy to do, adds a sparkle and creative edge to such songs as JEALOUSY * DON'T CARE WHAT THEY SAY * HALF-WAY HOUSE

Yes indeed, Bruce Carroll is a talented singer!

To go along with his gifts of story-telling, composition and playing guitars, Bruce is also blessed with a fabulous voice, which he knows how to use, all for the glory of God! His vocals are dynamic, full, have great tone, diction, propelled with solid breath control and in just the right style needed for each ballad.

Examples: LETTERS I LEFT BEHIND * EVERYTHING I NEED * SHIP OUT OF WATER * THE STORY - Expressive ballad style - Smooth, heart-felt and plaintive style, building dynamically from soft to loud.

I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY SAY - acoustic rock/pop style, performed with a rhythm which fits perfectly with the cooking accompaniment.

JEALOUSY - Easy, funk pop style, light and expressive.

Well, in case you haven't guessed, I loved this album, BIG WORLD, as it is one of the best collections of acoustic / acoustic-based contemporary ballads that I have reviewed in several years and I highly recommend it for anyone's music collection. It is a definite MUST for acoustic & acoustic / pop music lovers!! It has made my "Wow! What an Album list" for acoustic music / pop & contemporary music lovers; It excels in composition, lyrical messages and vocals!!!

It has a lot to say both spiritually and musically and will bless the listener on several levels. The quality of the lyrical messages, the quality and the variety of the compositions and the inspiring vocals together work to encourage, inspire and uplift the listener to live for Christ, depending on Him, allowing for our faith and spirituality to grow!

Want to know more? Continue on to our Bio section and Individual ratings of songs

Individual Review of Songs / Lyrics

* * * * + + BIG WORLD - Words and Music by Bruce Carroll & Billy Sprague

Great favorite of this reviewer. Title song - An encouraging, broad anthem of encouragement, which has everything to start this CD off with a swell of enthusiasm! Love the catchy, syncopated melody. Wonderful blend of acoustic guitars with an underlying but not overpowering support of strings and keys as chordal support and counter melody.. Harmonies in both the acoustic ensemble, strings and vocals are top notch and full. Great dynamics add power to the message. LOVE the Bridge section which quiets down to a plaintive prayer.

Bruce's comment: Inspire by the John Eldredge book, "Wild at Heart". A call to arms for men to be what we are created to be. God gave us a big wide open world to live an exciting adventurous life in.

Scriptural References:(Jer. 29:11, Phil.2:15 & 3:12-14 & 4:13, 1 Peter 4:11, John 15:16)


I don't know how it happened / One day I woke up here inside this cage / Once I was lion hearted / till resignation took the place of rage / But the source of my strength and all my hope / Kept whispering this secret in my soul//

Chorus: It's a big world / Battles to be one / Adventures yet to come / It's a big world / Beauty to defend / Faithful to the end / This is what life is / I was meant for this big world.

I don't know what will happen / the unknown doesn't scare me anymore / My quiet desperation / Convinced me I was never meant to roar / Now I'm fiercely devoted can't lock me in/ My heart is free and dangerous again. Chorus:

Bridge: Give me strength to face the dragons / bigger dreams to imagine / Help me keep a heart of passion, God I pray//Repeat.

* * * * + + EVERYTHING I NEED - Words and Music by Bruce Carroll and Kerry Connor

Acoustic / pop orchestral ballad anthem, with a memorable melody and strong support of strings, a lovely piano solo in the interludes, strong dynamics in both the musical composition and the heart-felt vocals, with some very nice, full harmonies in the chorus.

Scriptural References: (Romans 8:28 -31, Jer. 29:11, Joshua 1:9, Matt. 11:28-30)

Bruce Comments: Life is too hard to figure out. Too many questions. We are incapable of doing so. This is my way of saying I've come to a place of rest. I don't need to know all the answers - because God does.


Trying to find a reason / Instead I find myself careening into a wall / My high ideals of reason / seem to work out for a season then they fall / to a world where joy and sorrow intertwine, and internal souls are subject to the whims space and time ///

Chorus: I won't get it figured out / I will wrestle with my doubt / but I know that you are everything I need // You have led me to this ledge / You are with me on the edge / Of the way things are right now and what will be / Life is a mystery / but you're everything I need //

Trying to find a pattern / Out past Jupiter and Saturn I get lost / This quest seems so demanding / And my lack of understanding gets me tossed / Back to the place where rhyme and reason disappear / I can' see but I am certain / It's beginning to be clear that....

Chorus: I won't get it figured out / I will wrestle with my doubt / but I know that you are everything I need // You have led me to this ledge / You are with me on the edge / Of the way things are right now and what will be / Life is a mystery / but you're everything I need // Repeat

Ending interlude - acoustic guitar, piano and strings trio - Just lovely!!!

* * * * + + SHIP OUT OF WATER - Bruce Carroll and Billy Sprague

Scriptural References: (Rev. 22:1, John 14:2, 1 Thess: 4:16, 2nd Cor. 5:1-2)

Second favorite song of this reviewer, Another wonderful acoustic ballad: a lovely melody, composed in major & minor keys with a moving guitar accompaniment a comforting song for those who have lost a loved one. Strong guitar / string combination. Lyrical message promises that we will some day be reunited with loved ones who have gone home to be with the Lord.

This life is like an island, surrounded by eternity, you sailed away / Much too soon on that sea / Memory is a country / where I can go to see your face / But where can I go / when I miss your embrace? //

Chorus: Like a ship out of water, you left me waiting here / Longing just to be with you / But time will come when we cast off / from shore of all our fears / And sail into the wild blue / Wonder of heaven / And you will be there //

If you could be here now / I think I know what you would say, don't cry for me / I'm at home and I'm safe // That all the tears that fall hear, turn to diamonds in God's hands, bright offerings / from life's shadow lands /


* * * * + I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY SAY - Words and Music by Bruce Carroll & Kerry Connor

Scriptural References:(1 John 4:19, Ephesians 3:16, 1 Chr. 16:11)

A driving acoustic ensemble joined by a electric base and plugged in violins with a peppy rock beat all come together to provide a cooking rock soul musical support for this acoustic rock ballad.


I've been around the world / Seen the worst and best / Felt a promise of a life / Heard the sirens of death / I've been bound up in anger / Paid the consequence of sin / I've wandered in the desert / and I've come around again//

Chorus: I don't care what they say / I don't care what they say / When it's all said and done / everything with You - fades away //

I've learned the secret handshake / performed the status quo / I've been patted on the back / While being ushered out the door / I've been told that I can't do it / and I've bought into the lie / but I've come out of my stupor / Your love has made me realize ///

Chorus: I don't care what they say / I don't care what they say / When it's all said and done / everything with you - fades away //

I don't care what they say / I don't care what they say / I don't care what they say / I don't care what they say /

When it's all said and done.....................

* * * * + + THE STORY - Words and Music by Bruce Carroll and Billy Sprague

Scriptural References:( John 3:16-18, Heb. 4:15 & 5:8-9 & 7:27-28 & 9:12-15)

Favorite Song of this reviewer: Dynamic, moving, 3/4 meter acoustic ballad written in a minor key, with nice modulations, which adds to the drama and power to the song. Begins with a lovely, regal, dramatic string intro which transcends into an acoustic ensemble intro to the main melody. Acoustic guitar plays support chords for the melody, with strings playing a delightful light, counter melody! Nice, comforting end with a duet of guitars and string ensemble. Reminds me of a Celtic ballad.

Every face has a story to tell / If we have the eyes to see / some tell it plain and some hide it so well / What are you reading in me? / I am a boy living inside a man / Constantly finding my way / So many miles from that innocent land / Where I had no need to be brave / No, I had no need to be brave //

Chorus: Day gives into night / summer falls to the winter / the river disappears in the sea / A flower dies but the seed will remember / That's not the end / that's not the end of the story //

Every story on every face He could so easily read / No one could hide from his warm loving gaze / What is He reading in me??/ He was a boy and much more than a Man / He died on a dangerous road / bleeding the hope of the world from his hands / So we could find our way home / So we could find our way home //

Chorus: Day gives into night / summer falls to the winter / the river disappears in the sea / A flower dies but the seed will remember / That's not the end / That's not the end / that's not the end of the story //

Guitar interlude /

Day gives into night / summer falls to the winter / the river disappears in the sea / A flower dies but the seed will remember / That's not the end / That's not the end / that's not the end of the story // Repeat 4 times

* * * * + JEALOUSY - Words and Music by Bruce Carroll and Billy Sprague

Easy rock, funky beat propelled by drums and electrical guitar, begins in the intro, which rolls into a catchy, infectious dotted note melody, with acoustic ensemble joining in on this musically fun composition. Lyrical message is one that we as human beings can all relate to.

Scriptural References:(James 1:17, Romans 12: 2 & 13:9, Dt.7:25, 1 John 2:15-16, Phil. 4:6-8)

A neighbor came home with another new car / I couldn't say what was in my heart / I said, Good for YOU /

I paused to smile / but the feeling came / God you missed me again by one driveway / What did he do / To get in good with You?/

Jealousy / Is killin' me / It's living - made free / in my soul / It's plain to see, that I won't be free / Until You deliver me / from jealousy//

God I don't mean to tell you how to do your job / but the undeserving have and the good have not / What's up with that? / Regis is always talking about being content / A peace of mind is heaven sent / that's where its at / Break me off a piece of that //

Jealousy / Is killin' me / It's living- made free / in my soul / It's plain to see, that I won't be free / Until You deliver me / from jealousy //

Bridge: It takes a toll on my gratitude / moves me farther away from You / How many times do I have to learn / that I have more than I deserve?? / More than I deserve?

I'm talk'in 'bout Jealousy / Is killin' me / It's living / made free in my soul / It's plain to see, that I won't be free / Until You deliver me / from jealousy / from jealousy//

* * * * + + LETTERS I LEFT BEHIND - Words and Music by Bruce Carroll, Tom Hemby and Dave Clark

Fourth favorite song of this reviewer: A tender, memorable flowing acoustic ballad with an endearing melody and vocals to bring the lyrics to life. Inspiring use of dynamics. Lovely blend of guitars fill out the harmonies, support chords and counter melodies. It is guitar heaven!!!! Light strings enter in Chorus as underlying chordal support.

Scriptural References:(Prov. 3:5-6 & 22:6, Psalm 119:105)

I was an unborn child, when Daddy passed away / He knew there were some things / He never would get to say / So he took his pen and gave his heart to me / And its almost like / Every letter that he wrote / He knew what I would need //

The day I turned 13, and the day I learned to drive / He found a way to share / Those special times in life / Though I never heard his voice, I know him well / And I'm finding out / That I'm so much wiser for / the truth his letters held. /

Chorus: He called me son / Said I hope you find / What I learned about living / Written between the lines / Of the letters I've left behind //

He was a faithful man, who lived the words I read / His words of wisdom came from the Bible by my bed / And the legacy that he passed on to me / Has touch my life / And molded me into the man / He prayed for me to be //

lovely acoustic interlude

Chorus: He called me son / Said I hope you find / What I have learned about living / Written between the lines / of letters I've left behind //

* * * * + + WHEN WE FAIL LOVE - Words and Music by Kyle Matthews

Third favorite song of this reviewer. Heart-felt, expressive piano ballad written in a major / minor key. Switches and modulates for great effect. A well-written full, moving piano part carries the musical themes and melody throughout the composition, being the solo instrument in the first verse. Intro begins in the higher octaves and jumps down to middle register for the intro repeat phrase. Strings enter in chorus as chordal and melody support. On second verse as a secondary counter melody to the piano part. Touches of slide guitar appear to good effect at just the right places in the composition.

Scriptural References:(Ephesians 5:21, Cor. 13:1-13, Phil.4:13, Psalm 27:14)


Pick up the pieces / let's see what's been broken / What's become of us? / How do we manage / to do so much damage? / to the ones we love / when we care so much?///

When we fail love its hard to take / The expectations are so great / we raise our hopes / we dream our dreams / and then we do some foolish things / But love that comes easy, will easily give up / When we fail love we've got to trust the Love that won't fail us //

I can't swim the ocean that's growing between us / The shores are too far apart / So sail to the spot where the water is deepest / where we have to face this storm with faith //

When we fail love its hard to take / the expectations are so great / we raise our hopes / we dream our dreams / and then we do some foolish things / but love that comes easy, will easily give up / When we fail love we've got to trust the Love that won't fail us //

Tag: But love that comes easy, will easily give up / When we fail love we've got to trust the Love that won't fail us / When we fail love we've got to trust the Love that won't fail us ////

* * * + HALFWAY HOUSE - Words and Music by Bruce Carroll, Chuck Leonard

Easy rock beat, guitar driven, dotted note melody is crisply played which fits perfectly with the lyrical message. Catchy melody carried handily by enthusiastic vocals.

Scriptural References:(1 John 3:1-3, 4:16-18, 19, 1 Thess.3:12-13 & 5:14-15, Gal. 6:1-2, Ephes.4:32)


I was in limbo for so long / stranded in the middle of right and wrong / Thought there was no place left to go / 'til I finally found a place in town / I call my second home//

Down at the HALF-WAY house / somewhere between / total rehab and working things out / the half way house/ where I can come clean / renew my faith / deal with my doubt / Cause the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak / that's why most Sundays you'll find me / Laughin' and cryin' and hangin' my laundry out / down at the HALF-WAY house.//

Got to look beyond the altar and chairs // to really see what's really going on there / You'll find walkin' wounded refugees / Together in a room / hopin' there's a Love big enough to meet their needs/


Bridge:Kind of a shelter in the wilderness / a little love-force station / where sinners and saints can stop and rest / While they're waitin' on their relocation.

Chorus: Down at the HALF-WAY house / somewhere between / total rehab and working things out / The half way house / Where I can come clean / Renew my faith / Deal with my doubt / Cause the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak / that's why most Sundays you'll find me / Laughin and cryin and handgun' my laundry out / down at the HALF-WAY house.//

Tag: come on / to the HALF-WAY house / Let's go / to the HALF-WAY house./ To the HALF-WAY house.

* * * * + SHELTER ME - Words and Music by Bruce Carroll, Billy Sprague and Joe Beck

A glorious piano prayer hymn which offers a poignant melody and inspiring lyrics which leaves the listener with the perfect answer to all worries and problems. It would be welcome in any worship service. Lovely use of strings and piano. Adore the vocal performance!

Scriptural References: (1 Peter 5:7, Phil 4:6-8, Psalm 4: 8 & 91:1-2)


When I cannot close my eyes / And the night goes on / Troubles taunt on every side / And my doubt is strong /

Refrain: Shelter me / Shelter me / Let the thought of your compassion be my strength / Prince of Peace / Shelter me / From the tempest of my unbelief / Mighty God who calmed the sea / come and shelter me //

Do your promises still stand? / Does your mercy cease? / By the power of Your hand, grant me my release /

Refrain: And Shelter me / Shelter me / Let the thought of your compassion be my strength / Prince of Peace / Shelter me / From the tempest of my unbelief / Mighty God who calmed the sea / come and shelter me / oh come and shelter me.

Reviewed by Julie Carr for

Sources: McCain & Co. materials, Bruce Carroll's Promotional packet, available to "media friends."

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Bruce Carroll Interview & Bio * Bruce's Lyrics * Bruce Carroll Video * Bruce Carroll Albums