The musical compositions of these thirteen songs reflect
the many and "diverse talents" of the band members, who were reaching
for a unique balance of ministry with "artistry," feeling inspired and
led by the influence of the Lord.The music and lyrics of this "bold
and compelling praise songs" found on their new CD, DRAW NEAR, are the
result of prayer, group collaboration, from talented, spiritually rooted,
musicians, who are all inspired by the Holy Spirit to create "genuine
lyrics and music that the audience can connect with,"which ultimately
reflect God in a profound and moving way.
As I reviewed the fantastic songs on this CD, I found
this to be very true. It was hard to single out favorites because each
song is uniquely inspired by the Holy Spirit, and effectively speaks
to, moves the listener, |
encouraging individual spiritual growth, which
is how their music affects many of their fans who have heard them in
their various 200 concert performances and conference dates they perform
in each year.
Their First TV appearance, with Ceili Rain was on November
1st, 2002 on TBN. "Worship Extreme recording artist Among Thorns and
Cross Driven Records Celt/pop/rock band Ceili Rain will now be seen
on TBN1s new Youth Network premiering on Friday, November 1." |
Sample of Songs - DRAW NEAR CD
* * * I CAN'T DENY - (Romans 5:1-5, Psalm 91 & 2nd
Corinthians 1:3-5).
It is a powerful anthem, about how our faith grows
during the storms or trials in our lives, when we hold onto Him, which
draws us closer to Him at the same time. Notice in the second Chorus
lyrics, the emphasis switches from referring to the Lord in third person,
to a direct personal relationship with Jesus.
The opening musical introduction paints a picture of
a swirling wind, using an electric guitar, joined by electric, synthesized
keyboard, building in sound, supported by interesting bongo rhythms
and drum. Verses written in a minor key. Chorus is written in a major
key. Vocals are expressive and gripping.
Lyrical Sample: 1) My world is floating now like leaves
in the fall..so many things that I don't understand at all. Ouu, I feel
a change comin' down here tonight, I'm movin' but there are only shadows
in sight.
Chorus: Still, I can't deny, who's strong, the stars in
the sky, and I, I won't let go of His hand, no. I will not fear, cause
I know, I know who stands with me here, and I, I can't deny its his
life and his sky, I can't deny, yeah.
2) I set my heart like a white flag in the wind. And
hold on to Him through the thick and the thin. I've been alone now,
but I will not know, yeah, I will be strong standing on this truth....
Transition: So in this time, I will align with the One
I can't deny...
Chorus 2: I can't deny, You're strong, the stars in the
sky, and I, I won't let go of Your hand, no. I will not fear, cause
I know, I know You stand with me here, and I, I can't deny it's Your
life and Your sky, I can't deny.....
* * * HOME - Easy rock feel, nice instrumental back ups
with electric guitar, keyboards, energetic vocals. (Matthew 7:7-8 ,
Hebrews 13:5-6)
Lyrical Sample 1) I step out from the shallow, I know
there is something out there, my faith has kept me seeking, the mystery
of who You are. I hear Your voice calling, I'm broken but I'm running,
I'm living all alone, to discover that You aren't so far...
2) I step out from the shallow, I know there is something
out there, my faith has kept me seeking, the mystery of who You are.....
I never cry alone, there's mercy in the morning, and strength in Your
Chorus : And Home is anywhere I'm on my knees. And You,
I find everything I need. And Heaven is not as far as I thought it would
I want to be where You are....
* * * RESCUE ME - When we accept Jesus as our personal
Lord and Savior, our old worldly self dies and we become a new being
in Christ. (2nd Corinthians 5:17) We are justified (Romans 4:25 & Romans
5:18), and Redeemed by Christ(Romans 3: 24 & Romans 8:23) and become
more like him through the process of Sanctification, being guided by
the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:2 & Romans 15:16).
Lyrical Sample: 1) You and I have been alone tonight,
workin' through these changes in my life. You took my heart and You
brought me to, to see a side I 'd never seen in You.
2) The love from You has left me so amazed, now my soul
is drowning in Your grace, more of You is what I want in me, Your sacrifice
has been the death of me (Ephesians 2:4,5)
Chorus:You've rescued me, and now my eyes can see, You
brought a change in me, You set my spirit free...yeah You rescued me!
(Transition) I'm coming out of the dark, I 'm coming
into Your light, I'd give my life for the way, I live for You this (day).
* * * BLESS THE LORD - Reminds me of Psalm 89.
Lyrical Sample:1) I tremble at Your presence, shaken
by the truth, that You are God. No deed can bring You pleasure, or a
word out of measure to who You are. I lift my heart in worship, taken
by the truth, You are God. silenced by the virtue, surrender in awe
of who You are...
Chorus: Bless the Lord with all that's in me, Bless the
Lord. May kingdoms fall and rulers crawl before Your throne.
Transition: I want to give all of me, I'm given You all
of me......
* * * THE HEAVEN"S DECLARE - Reminds me of Psalm 119:1-6,
and Paul's argument presented in ACTS 17:24-28. Song has easy rock beat,
nice guitar work, both acoustical and electrical. Keyboards offer good
support. Nice harmony in the vocals.
Lyrical Sample: 1) From Your lips the universe was formed.
When You spoke it came to be.. And in Your hands You hold eternity,
And by Your mercy we are freed.
Chorus: The heavens declare Your glory, creation is testimony,
to Your justice and Your grace and all the beauty of Your face. The
heavens declare Your glory, creation is testimony to the richness of
Your word and all the power of Your truth, yeah.
* * * COULD NOT LOVE YOU MORE - A beautiful song of
devotion to Jesus Christ.
Lyrical Sample:1). If I saw a crippled man stand tall,
if I turned to see a dead man walk, I could not love You more, I could
not love You more. If I felt the warmth of Your embrace, or laid my
eyes upon Your face, I could not love You more, I could not love You
Chorus: The cross is, my treasure,Your blood has, joined
us together. Your greatness, Your splendor, has sustained me, for ever....I
could not love You more, I could not love You more.
2) If I saw a blind man stand in awe, at the wonder of
all that he saw, I could not love You more, I could not love You more.......If
I saw the stone roll away, and touched Your scars and felt Your pain,
I could not love You more, I could not love You more.
* * * INVITATION - (Romans 8:2, Romans 8:26-27, 2nd
Corinthians 5:17, John 14:26-27)
A rousing, moving praise song that really cooks with energy,
and spiritual inspiration that is very contagious. Music starts with
an intricate bongo - drum beat, with guitars and electric keyboard supporting
the established rhythm, providing great support for the lead vocals.
Their musicianship comes from their hearts, and it shows in their music.
Great dynamics!
Lyrical Sample: 1). Holy Spirit come, receive our invitation,
Holy Spirit move on me. Holy Spirit come, rain on Your creation, we
worship.... we honor ...You, God!
Chorus: Holy Father, take pleasure in the songs Your children
offer , we give all we have to You, God. Holy Father delight in the
praises we surrender, we give, all we have to You, God.
2) Holy Spirit fall, redeemer of the nations, Holy Spirit
fall, on me. Holy Spirit fall, become a revelation, we worship, we honor
You, God.
Hook: Sanctify all our hopes and all our dreams, Purify
all our words and everything..
* * * DRAW NEAR TO ME.... (John 14:6. &
John 4: 13-14)
Lyrical Sample: 1) Draw near to me, as I come close, close enough to breathe,
the air You breathe, and You alone can see, what's on my heart, and
next to You is where, I long to be. Because life outside of You, isn't
life at all, its worthless, and I know my days on earth are few. so
I'll follow You.
Chorus: Oh, Sweet Jesus, There's no one like You, For
You are the way, and You are the Truth. Oh sweet Savior, in You there
is life, Your words are a fountain for me, and I'll be satisfied, and
draw near to me....
* * * FALLING AT YOUR FEET - (Reminds me of Romans 8:1-5)
Lyrical Samples:
1) Your Holy voice, whispers in my ear. You break me,
then You draw me near.
Transition: For whom am I to stand, and who am I to speak?
Whom I am to raise my eyes to meet You? Who am I to lift my hands to
praise You?
CHORUS: I'm falling at Your feet. Ruined by Your majesty.
My life.. my everything are crumbled on the ground before You.
2) Your mercy's rich, covers all my sin. You bought me,
now I'm surrendering. You are all I want Now. And You Are all I Have.
You are all I am now. You are everything.
* * * BEAUTIFUL - A Personal, prayerful hymn of praise
for who Jesus is, our loving Lord and Savior.
Vocals are accompanied by mostly an acoustical guitar,
with a faint keyboard chords and light percussion.
Lyrical Sample:
1) I can't live a day, without You in my life. Just to
breathe You in, is my heart's desire. Longing to touch the hem, I reach
out to You. To sing of who You are, is all I long to do.
Chorus: You are beautiful, so I lift my hands and worship
You, oh my God. You're my saving grace, so I'm on my face to worship
You, oh my God.
2) Nothing can compare, to Your endless love. With all
that I do, You still call me beloved. You are my comfort, yeah. And
my self-worth.Your full beauty is a sign that was sent to earth.
* * * WE RUN TO YOU- A strong statement of faith in
Jesus as our faithful, living Savior, who bought us with His blood.
(Romans 3:25 & Revelations 5:9,10, Ephesians 1:7)
Song is very hymn-like, starting off with just piano and
light background rhythm instruments, soft acoustical guitar joins in,
then violins enter by chorus. Strong vocals carry the tune beautifully.
Chorus: We run to You, You make us strong. You are our
God, we are Your own. Bought with Your blood, held by Your love, Oh
Holy lamb, to You we run.
1) Show us Your ways, write them in our hearts, bound
them in our steps. Grant us the strength, to hold them ever near. so
we will not forget.
2) We will remember, Angels are around when trouble is
drawing near. And we will stay strong, knowing they are sent to keep
our paths clear.
3) With all our might, we will follow You. You will walk
with us and we will carry on, though all the world be shaken, we know
that You will overcome....
Reviewed by: Julie Carr / ChristianMusic.com.
Material sent by McCain & Co. Public Relations.
Among Thorns Mission Statements:
Guitarist Darin Sasser - THE VISION OF THIS BAND IS TO
REVEAL WHO GOD IS. "We never put a limit on what God can do. Our vision
is to reach millions of people, and if this is the way God chooses to
do it, then we are just going to be thankful and grateful for whatever
He does. I pray that these songs will give something to people's hearts".
"When we step on the stage, we focus on the Lord
- we don't focus on the praises of man. As we step onstage we want people
to know that we are intimately involved with our Savior, and that ultimately
we are not there to entertain them - we are there to worship Him together."
Matt Glider / keyboards - 1) Goal for the Body of Christ:
"Our calling is also definitely to lead the body of Christ into worship.
When God is lifted up, He draws men to Himself. "We're aiming at the
body of Christ and bringing people into a new place of worship, maybe
somewhere they haven't been before. We try to stretch the audience and
get them to dig deeper It's hard to imgaine worshipping and having God
show up in the room and people not being changed."
2) Goal concerning those who are searching: "We don't
have a big agenda. We just hear story after story from people that we
meet each night. We've been doing this long enough to know that at each
event, on each night, there is probably someone there who is at the
end of their rope. People are hungry to know God, and if HE can use
us to help lead those people to His throne, that's what we are called
to do. We want to lead people into a deeptime of worship and intimacy
before God."
Chad Jarnagin / lead vocalist: "We want to challenge
believers to get to that place of awakening in worship where they just
don't sing about God on a horizontal level but truly sing to Him. Our
desire for the band is to have awakenings all across the country, that
the Spirit really would move when we lead worship.
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